Superman #12 review

Holy role reversal, Luthor takes to the streets of Metropolis in his power suit to save the citizens while Superman dons a nifty lab suit to attack their problems from another direction. Their problems are Dr Pharm, a cloud of green kryptonite tweaked to kill regular human beings and Lex’s mad mother Leticia. The first […]

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Superman #11 review

‘Lena Luthor vs the Revenge Squad’ is what last issue’s next issue blurb told us to expect this month. That’s the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad, not the Superman Revenge Squad as tradition would dictate. As it is, we don’t see Lex’s long-lost daughter take on Dr Pharm, Mr Graft and their not-so-merry band of rogues, […]

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Superman #8 review

Telekinetic bad boy The Chained continues his vendetta against Lex Luthor and while the Super Family do a good job fending him off, a secret revealed could shake one member to the core. Superman #8 – legacy number 851 – begins with a look back to the childhood of The Chained, and the day young […]

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