Batman #149 review

This issue wasn’t among my planned purchases this week. I bought World’s Finest and wrote about that. I bought Titans and found it better than usual, but it didn’t have much in the way of comment hooks. And I bought Nightwing, which can be covered by >sigh<. So, I went back to the DC list […]

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Outsiders #8 review

Now this was a surprise. A team-up between Batwoman and Jinny Hex, with no other Outsider in sight. If you don’t know Jinny Hex, she’s a descendant of classic DC Western hero Jonah Hex and a member of the last version of Young Justice. She inherited a trunk of weird weapons. And one in particular […]

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Green Lantern #12 review

Ooh, soppy cover alert! Still, Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris are one of my favourite comic book couples. I’ve followed their deeply weird relationship since I was a little kid reading Silver Age Green Lantern comics. Hal loved Carol but Carol loved Green Lantern and he couldn’t possibly just let her know how convenient that […]

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The Ultimates #1 review

The Ultimates was one of the biggest hits of Marvel’s turn of the century Ultimate line of comics, changing the superhero landscape and laying down the ground for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For whatever reason, the comics line was retired in 2015, the Ultimates universe vanished and that was that. Until recently, when a new […]

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Shazam #12 review

Last issue ended with the Shazam kids’ adoption assessment being rudely interrupted by Billy’s birth mother. Despite giving him a chaotic early upbringing, she objected to the adoption. Shazam #12 opens with a confused Billy, hours later, thrust into the Rock of Eternity where he finally figures out who he’s found himself talking to lately. […]

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The Bat-Man: First Knight #3 review

It’s 1939 and the hidden crimelord known as The Voice is continuing their plan to take over Gotham city. Reanimating corpses and turning them into hulking lackeys, they’re killing civic leaders, creating a power vacuum they can step into. That’s the plan, anyway. But two men stand against him – lawman Commissioner James Gordon and […]

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